Francine2022-01-28T15:29:37+08:00Q. The video recorded by ZEUS RECORD is now misaligned or disturbed.
Francine2022-01-28T15:27:21+08:00Q. I recorded with ZEUS RECORD, but the sound input to the microphone is broken.
Francine2022-01-28T15:22:54+08:00Q. Will the host notice when I record the ZOOM screen with ZEUS RECORD?
Karen2022-01-28T15:14:51+08:00Q. I have registered ZEUS RECORD LITE as a product, but when I record it, “Trial version restriction” is displayed.
Karen2022-01-28T15:07:39+08:00Q. I have registered ZEUS BUNDLE LITE as a product, but when I record it, “Trial version restriction” is displayed.